VET transcripts - Information for students
USI account holders can access their VET outcomes online in the form of an authenticated USI VET transcript. Information on the VET transcript is based on the record of nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) training completed since 1 January 2015. It does not show other forms of training, such as higher education, or training completed before 2015.
As a current or former VET student, you can use your USI account to:
- access your VET record online in the form of an authenticated VET transcript
- give permission for your training organisation to view your VET transcript from within the USI Registry System
- create and download a full copy or extract of your transcript to share with a third party.
Your VET transcript may be a useful backup if the original documentation is lost and cannot be replaced (for example, if the training provider is no longer operating).
Your VET transcript does NOT:
- replace the statement of attainment or certificate you received from your Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- show training undertaken before 2015
- include any higher education qualifications.
If your USI was created for you, you will need to activate your USI by clicking on the link sent from to your email address or mobile number . Otherwise, you can activate your account from the Student Portal.
Share a full or extract of a VET transcript
Sharing a VET transcript is a convenient and secure way to prove your qualifications and demonstrate pre-requisites for further training. You can share a full copy of your VET transcript or select exactly which training to display by using the extract functionality.
The VET transcript includes a clickable link and a QR code for accessing the online record from either an electronic or hard copy. When using the QR code, the name and document number will populate automatically to ensure accessing the record is quick and easy for third parties.
How to create and download a VET transcript
Follow these steps to create and download a VET transcript that can be shared with a third party such as an employer or licensing body.
- login into your USI account via the USI Student Portal
- select View VET transcript
- read and acknowledge the Transcript Disclaimer, select Next
- Within the VET transcript details area, use the check boxes on the left to select all training records (for a full transcript) or specific training records (transcript extract), select Download Transcript
- select Yes to 'Do you want to create a viewable VET transcript?'
- set a time limit for the VET transcript to be viewable online by selecting a date or period (between one week to six months). You can change the time limit or cancel the viewable VET transcript at any time before the expiry date, select Next and then Continue
- download and save your VET transcript containing the selected training data (PDF format).
What does a VET transcript look like?
Front page

The front page of the transcript contains the following information:
- collection period is the period that the records have been pulled from
- student’s name as entered in their USI account
- any nationally recognised VET qualifications completed
- name of the training organisation that issued the qualification
- any nationally recognised VET units and modules completed
- name of the training organisation that delivered the units, modules or subjects
- funding source for any units, modules or subjects
- outcome achieved for any units, modules or subjects
- enrolment period for any units, modules or subjects
Last page

The last page of the transcript contains the following information:
- the transcript Disclaimer provides important information about the content of the transcript
- the Explanatory Notes provide descriptions of the abbreviated values used in the transcripts for Unit/Module Outcome and Funding Source.
Creating a document that is not an authenticated VET transcript and claiming it to be an authenticated VET transcript carries serious penalties and is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 and the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
Give permission to a Registered Training Organisation
Through the student portal in the USI Registry System, USI account holders can give permission to a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or a VET Related Body (VRB) to view their VET transcript to:
- arrange for the recognition of prior learning/credits transfers
- verify their training records.
Permission can be granted for a specified period and removed at any time.
When permission is given to view a VET transcript, an RTO or VRB can:
- see all the completed training, not just an extract (this includes training undertaken with another RTO)
- download and save a PDF version of the transcript.
When granting permission, keep in mind how long you will be enrolled with your RTO before setting the expiry date in your permission settings.
When the permission expires the account holder and RTO will automatically receive a notification.
If an RTO cannot be located through the search function in the Student Portal, contact them to get their RTO code or find the RTO code through YourCareer or
To provide permission to an RTO or VRB:
- log into your USI account via the USI Student Portal
- select Provide Your USI
- scroll to Set up access to your USI account / Permissions
- select Add Organisation and enter the provider name or code to search. This information must match the organisation name/code recorded with or the TEQSA national register (for questions about the organisation name/code, contact the RTO directly)
- find the correct RTO and select Add
- set the permissions and set an expiry date (3 months to 2 years)
- select Save.
When will my training appear on my VET transcript?
The training records in your VET transcript come from the national VET collection database.
Due to the timeframes associated with the national VET collection database, it is important to be aware of the following:
- training data used in a VET transcript is updated quarterly or annually
- most privately funded RTOs report once a year and most government funded RTOs report every three months
- the VET transcript may need to be read in conjunction with other documents if National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) have not updated the national VET collection database. If the data has not yet been updated, students will need to rely on the statement of attainment or transcript issued by their RTO to show evidence of this training. Where qualifications or training documentation is lost before the database has been updated, students need to contact the RTO who delivered the training.
Process for gathering training data:
- an RTO reports their training data to their State Training Authority
- State Training Authority reports all training data for their State/Territory to NCVER
- NCVER collect all training data Australia-wide.
- Training data reported to NCVER:
- quarterly data will usually be included in a VET transcript the following month
- annual data will usually be included in a VET transcript within three months of the data being reported.
Example of quarterly and annual data collection periods:
Inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts
There may be occasions where some information on a VET transcript is inaccurate or incomplete. Find out more about inaccurate or incomplete VET transcripts for students.